Thursday February 9, the General Assembly for the RealEstateCore Consortium was held.

Some highlights from 2022:

  • In 2022, we have focused on developing version 4 of the ontology in collaboration with the Brick Schema consortium.
  • On August 29, the collaboration was launched with a joint webinar.
  • New members have been welcomed: Hufvudstaden, Acuity Brands, and Fastighetsägarna.
  • 2022 year’s RECcon was made in collaboration with Brick Schema Brick-RECcon22 in digital format. More than 200 people attended.

Looking forward, the RealEstateConsortium and its members are focusing on expanding REC both semantically capability-wise as well as increase the outreach by participating in global events and conferences.

Thanks all members:
ProptechOSVasakronanAkademiska HusWillhem ABRISEJönköping UniversityYIT – Urban developer and construction companySkanskaNuukaSwegon GroupMicrosoftGranlundSwecoCastellumFastighetsägarnaAcuity BrandsHufvudstaden

Do use the Procuerment Requirements that was officially released to make sure that new systems are REC/Brick compliant: